Mobile Deposit

Now you can deposit checks anytime, anywhere just by taking a photo of your check. Update your current Neighbors Credit Union Android phone, iPhone or iPad app today and experience:

  • Convenience - Save a trip to the branch or ATM.
  • Simplicity - Make a deposit with just a few taps and camera snaps.
  • Security - Our app uses cutting-edge security features to protect you and your financial information.

Click here to see how Mobile Deposit works.

Click here to read the Mobile Deposit end user agreement.


How Do I Deposit A Check?

  1. Log into our Mobile Banking App
  2. Tap on “Deposit Checks”
  3. Select which account to deposit the check into
  4. Enter the check’s amount
  5. Tap the camera icon to snap a photo of the front of the check
  6. Select “Retake Picture” or “Keep Picture” depending on photo (make sure all edges show and the amount is visible)
  7. Repeat for the back of the check (make sure check is endorsed with your signature and "For Mobile Deposit Only to Neighbors Credit Union")
  8. Click “Deposit”
  9. When the “Success” screen appears, you can deposit another check and proceed to another function within the mobile banking app

These steps may differ slightly based on your mobile device. Please watch to the video at the bottom of the page for a demonstration.






Frequently Asked Mobile Deposit Questions

Q: Can everyone use Mobile Deposit?
A: Mobile Deposit requires an active checking account in good standing. Approval may be required first in order to access Mobile Deposit.

Q: How do I request Mobile Deposit to be added to my mobile banking application?
A: Log into Online Banking. Select “Additional Services” on the green menu bar and click on “Mobile Deposit Registration Request” from the dropdown list. Submit the required information within the form.

Q: Are there any holds when I make a mobile deposit?
A: All mobile deposits are subject to a minimum hold of 2 business days. Longer holds may apply.

Q: Are there any fees for using Mobile Deposit?
A: There are no fees for using mobile deposit.

Q: Does my check need to be endorsed a certain way?
A: Yes, all checks must be endorsed by all parties and have "For Mobile Deposit Only to Neighbors Credit Union" beneath the signatures. If the check is not endorsed properly, the check could be rejected.



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