* indicates a required field

Primary Account Owner1

*Name (First M. Last)
*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
*Social Security Number
Member Number
*City, State Zip ,
*Home Phone Number ( ) -
Work Phone Number ( ) -
*Driver's License Number      *State

1Minimum balance must be deposited within thirty days or applicable fees will apply.

Information to appear on checks:

Name Address Home Phone # Work Phone # Driver's License #
Other (Please Explain)

Overdraft Protection

Option I: Funds for overdrafts are to be transferred from my Savings Account.
Option II: Funds for overdrafts are to be covered by an advance on my
"Line of Credit" Loan Account.**
Option III: Funds for overdrafts are to be transferred first from my Savings
Account and if insufficient funds are not available, an advance is to be made on my
"Line of Credit" Loan Account.**
Option IV: Funds for overdrafts are to be transferred from my "Line of Credit"
Loan Account first, and if sufficient funds are not available then the transfer
is to be made from my Savings Account.**
Option V: I/We do not want any type of overdraft protection.

**Must have a Neighbors Credit Union approved "Line of Credit" Loan

Any information submitted is secure by Verisign, 128 bit encryption and PGP encryption.

* indicates a required field

Appropriate disclosures will be mailed to you.

Additional forms and information may be required and you must already be a member of Neighbors Credit Union. If you are not currently a member, please fill out andreturnthe Membership Application before submitting this application.

 Yes, I am an existing Neighbors Credit Union Member.